IAP 05 ~ Selma Lindgren
“Important artist Selma Lindgren says “here is my work, it is about Erfindung” ”
Filmstill, 2020
Like many, I was zooming a lot during the COVID-19 lockdown.
It was buzzing! Here you find the layered sound of twenty five zoom meetings. We are talking about a project that we made around The Pest, by Albert Camus. We are happy, bored, lonely, interested, confused trying to be understood. Screaming through the connection. I can‘t hear you! Is your microphone on? Do you see me? I see you! Closing the computer after 45 minutes and I am quietly with myself again.
A zoomy after-buzz
facebook deleted and printed. MOV
this is my entire facebook wall, pritnted and bound to a book in a sheet of transparent silicon when that was done i deleted my information on facebook and placed the book on my nightstand
Gedichte, 2018
four poems hand set with lead type, hand printed, hand bound in a handy pocket size
Anatomy 1, 2019
Pencil on paper
Anatomy 2, 2019
Found Materials
Antonin Artaud, 2019
Charcoal on paper
5 spiegel
Prague, Febuary
Tents and Pavillions, 2019 (selection)
Views after a festival in Germany
Yukio Mishima, The Sailor Who Fell Out Of Grace With The Sea Rundgang 2020 with the Scenography class of Anna Viebrock at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Shopping Ekstase in der Gervinusstrasse, 2018
some of favourite found things
1. Summarize your work in one word?
2.What inspires you to continue making work?
Trying to understand
3. What are you currently working on at the moment?
A work about alter-egos, my stage design studies, constructing situations, kunst, kunst, kunst. You‘ll see!
4. Who inspires you most to push your work further?
Of course, friends and family. My teachers in Vienna, and all the people there. These inspi- ring artists in no particular order: Harun Farocki, Martha Rosler, Kader Attia, Hito Steyerl, Alexander Kluge, Toni Morrison, Tania Bruguera, Unica Zürn, Jean Tingguely, Joseph Beuys and Ana Mendieta’s work.
Capitalists and surely also stupid politicians.
5. If you could say anything to your former self, regarding your art practice, that would help your progress what would it be?
To pay more attention to the things I have an (almost urgent) need to create rather than what I think i should, could, would create.